We are not liable for the condition of products that reach the customer through third party logistics or apps or any other type of pick up arranged by the customer.

For orders delivered by us, Jo’s Baking Delights will provide a time slot within which your order will be delivered. All orders are committed to be delivered at any point in time within the delivery time slot, but we do not guarantee delivery at any specific delivery time. Cancelling an order due to a fixed committed time is not guaranteed.

We are committed to delivering all our orders within the given day. If for some reason an order is delivered outside of the given day, your sole remedy will be either a refund of the amount paid towards the order or a replacement of the product, at your discretion. There are no fixed timings for delivery.

If you are unavailable when the delivery executive reaches your location, the order will be handed over to your building’s security guard.

Re-delivery of our products is not possible due to their perishable nature.